"playing sage is boring"

"playing sage is boring"

783343 , 5.00 / #quotplaying #sage #boringquot / valorant
"playing sage is boring"
My 200iq Sage Walls make Sage one of the most fun agents in VALORANT! I have the biggest brain sage plays anyone has ever seen and my sage walls allow me to do hundreds of different walls that make sage the opposite of boring! Riot should make Sage a duelist because I feel like I am carrying as Sage every single game xD! Sage wall has to be the most broken and best ability in Valorant, it makes me the most unreadable player to ever touch Valorant. I appreciate all of you that watched the video and don’t forget to check out my twitch below and Subscribe to see every post, Love you guys!

“playing sage is boring”

#valorant​​​​​​ #montage​​​​​​ #sagewalls​​​​​ #sage​​​​​​ #grim​​​​​​ #valorantsage​​​​​​ #valoranthighlights​​​​​​ #valorantsagemontage​​​​​​ #grimmontage​​​​​​ #valorantmontage​​​​​​ #valorantmoments​​​​​​ #valorantguide​​​​​​ #sagevalorant​​​​​​ #sagemontage

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