Jerusalema Dance Steps Breakdown

Jerusalema Dance Steps Breakdown

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Jerusalema Dance Steps Breakdown
A thorough but SIMPLE breakdown of my interpretation of the basic steps for the Jerusalema Dance.
Remember to add your own style and flair.

JERUSALEMA – By Master G featuring NOMCEBO
Originating in South Africa.
MASTER KG is from Limpopo South Africa.

I do not own the rights to this music in any way, I just want to help people learn the steps to the dance that is sweeping the world.

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A little but about me:
I’m a fitness instructor based in Melbourne, Australia.
I have been in the fitness industry for 20+ years with a passion for Zumba fitness over the last decade. I am a single mother of 2 and pride myself on helping others achieve their goals, working hard to provide a service in the community and being the best mom/role model I can be.

Stay Well, Stay Safe, Stay Active


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