HOW TO TIE A BOW TIE Step-By-Step The Easy Way, Slow, For Beginners – WORKS GUARANTEED

HOW TO TIE A BOW TIE Step-By-Step The Easy Way, Slow, For Beginners – WORKS GUARANTEED

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HOW TO TIE A BOW TIE Step-By-Step The Easy Way, Slow, For Beginners - WORKS GUARANTEED
Learn How To Tie A Bow Tie Step By Step – it’ll work guaranteed even if you have never tied a bow tie before. This step-by-step tutorial shows you very detailed close-ups of how to tie a bow tie and what it should look like.

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Learn all about Black Tie Etiquette & How You Look Your Best In A Tuxedo:

How To Find The Perfect Black Bow Tie For Your Tux

It’s a skill every man should know, and you should never wear clip-on bow ties or pre-tied bow ties. The only proper bow tie is a self-tied bow tie.

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For self-tie bow ties in different shapes and materials & the best black-tie bow tie selection anywhere, please click here:

To learn how to tie a dimple in your tie knot every time, check out this tutorial:


00:00 In this video, I’m going to show you how to tie a bow tie the easy way.

00:13 Every man should be able to tie his own bow tie. Only boys at prom wear pre-tied bow ties or clip-on bow ties. You should never wear that, it shows, it’s too symmetrical, it’s too perfect, it looks cheap.

00:29 Elegant men like Winston Churchill would always wear their bow tie slightly skewed and that shows the true character of a perfectly tied bow tie. It is not symmetrical. In recent years, bow ties have become much more popular and this is the easiest way to tie it.

00:52 If you have an adjustable bow tie, adjust to the right length. Usually, you use the neck size that you have for your shirt but you can play around with it.

01:02 If you go for a fixed length bow tie like the black bow ties from Fort Belvedere, you won’t need to adjust anything. Once it’s adjusted, throw it around your neck, flop down your collar, and button the top button. You may want to pull on the inside so it looks neat. Alright, this is how you tie it. First, the left side of your bow tie to be about an inch or one and a half inches longer than your right one.

01:30 So, the long end goes over the short end. Pinch with your left hand. Now, the longer end goes up through the hole and you pull it tight. Now, your right hand, you leave your bow tie here. With your left hand, you hold that end of the bow tie and you bring your index finger between your body and the bow tie and you move it over to create a bow-tie shape which you can see here.

02:00 Now with your right hand, bring the other piece in, the longer piece, and fold it over. Now it really looks like a bow tie from the front. So what I do now is I take this part of the bow tie and hold it together like so. Now I switch my hands and what I can see now is that I created a hole back here and this is where this part has to go through.

02:29 Now I create another bow tie shape here and I do that with my fingers like so, fold it up so I get a shape similar to a bow tie and I just push it through that little hole recreated. Now, I pull the folded ends so it tightens the knot of my bow tie, and there you go, the bow tie.

02:57 If you’re now interested in quality self-bow ties, take a look at our shop where we offer exclusive Fort Belvedere bow ties in many different colors and shapes and materials.


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