Fallout 4: Top 5 Out of Map Secrets You Missed Across Fallout 4’s World – FO4 Easter Eggs

Fallout 4: Top 5 Out of Map Secrets You Missed Across Fallout 4’s World – FO4 Easter Eggs

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Fallout 4: Top 5 Out of Map Secrets You Missed Across Fallout 4’s World – FO4 Easter Eggs
Fallout 4 is a game that offers players a vast world space to explore. However, even a map as large as Fallout 4’s must have some limitations. And indeed, if the Sole Survivor strays too far in any given direction in the Commonwealth, you’ll eventually find and invisible wall or some barrier preventing your from leaving the playable area. Thankfully, tweaking a few files and using the right console commands will allow us to explore beyond these boundaries into areas of the Fallout 4 world we were never meant to see. Despite not expecting users to make it to these regions, Bethesda still peppered many inaccessible areas with some hilarious Easter Eggs and tiny details that definitely makes them all the more exciting. So today we’ll be taking a look at some of the greatest as we jump right into my top five out of map secrets you probably missed in Fallout 4.

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