FALLOUT 4: Mod Vault #42 : HUDFramework

FALLOUT 4: Mod Vault #42 : HUDFramework

77645 , 5.00 / #FALLOUT #Mod #Vault #HUDFramework / tp fo4
FALLOUT 4: Mod Vault #42 : HUDFramework
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Mod covered in this video:
1. HUDFramework (0:30)
PC :

2. HoloTime – HUD Clock Widget (1:48)
PC :

3. Companion Status HUD (2:37)
PC :

Visual Mods used in this video:
1. DYNAVISION – Dynamic Depth of Field
PC :
XB1 :
2. Immersive HUD – iHUD (LITE) :

If you want to post screenshots for me to use in these videos please watch this video to see how:

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