Car Mechanic Simulator Pocket Edition 2 Review – Nintendo Switch Review – Game Review

Car Mechanic Simulator Pocket Edition 2 Review – Nintendo Switch Review – Game Review

Car Mechanic Simulator Pocket Edition 2 Review – Nintendo Switch Review – Game Review

587 , 5.00 / #Car #Mechanic #Simulator #Pocket #Edition #Review #Nintendo #Switch #Review #Game #Review / review game
Car Mechanic Simulator Pocket Edition 2 Review - Nintendo Switch Review - Game Review
Overall, Car Mechanic Simulator Pocket Edition 2 is a pretty realistic mechanic simulator offering many things to do, but for the casual gamer that might be its downfall as it felt to me that you need some car knowledge to make the game enjoyable. Gameplay was a big downfall for me as I couldn’t make progress in the tutorial or the normal mode, but having the sandbox mode helped out a bit. Storyline didn’t appear to exist other then repairing cars, but playtime was decent with the amount of things you could do in the game. Again I feel this game is better for someone with automotive that can get a better feel for the features and not so much for the casual gamer. None-the-less if you want to give it a shot it is available on Nintendo Switch.

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