Best Cigar Accessories Basics

Here you can find useful info about cigar accessories with reviews and how-to articles. Updated monthly!

Cigar cutters

Cigar cutters are a must for any cigar aficionado as they provide the perfect way to enjoy your favorite smokes. The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out what type of cutter would work best based on size and shape: some people like guillotine style, others prefer V-cut, which I recommend if it’s available! This will ensure that there aren’t any sharp edges coming off these guys when cutting; however, other types can also be used – especially since many companies make multiples by design (like Xikar). The next step in the process should come after choosing our weapon (it shouldn’t take too long) and getting acquainted with how each one works. You might need to experiment with a few before finding out what works best for you, but that’s all part of the process!

Cigar lighters

Cigar lighters are necessary for any cigar smoker to enjoy their smokes. The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out what type of lighter would work best based on size, shape, and features (like whether or not it’s refillable): fortunately, there are a ton, so this shouldn’t be too tough! Next up should come buying one: we can find these at different places like convenience stores and gas stations usually – though the selection will likely be limited, which might mean waiting until our next trip into town; however, they’re also sold online if that makes things easier with more options :). Once we’ve chosen the perfect pick – then comes figuring out how each one works in addition to practicing taking care of it. This should be a pretty easy task, but again there are some things you’ll want to pay attention to, like the size of the fuel reservoir (since we need to make sure it’s not going to run out) – and then cleaning and maintenance; in general as well!

Cigar ashtrays

Cigar ashtrays are a must-have for any cigar smoker. The first thing you’ll want to do is figure out what type of ashtray would work best based on size and features: some people like ones with lids (helps keep the smell away from guests, etc.), while others will prefer one that sits directly in front of them so they can have an easy time tapping the ashes of their cigar; however, I recommend going with whichever feels more natural to your preferences as we all enjoy different things! Next up should come buying one – which fortunately isn’t hard at all thanks to companies online who specialize in these types of items 🙂

Cigar Holders

Cigar holders are a necessity for cigar aficionados. If you’re not careful, the lighter heat can quickly dry out your cigars and ruin them. We recommend using these to store your smokes instead of just shoving them in between other boxes or bags on a shelf. It will keep them fresh for much longer periods than an open container with no protection from air flow would provide. They come in many colors and styles, so it’s easy to find one that suits your taste!

Cigar Whiskey Glasses

A cigar and a glass of whiskey? Sounds like the perfect pairing to us. These glasses are made specifically for this purpose, so you can enjoy your drink while also smoking your favorite stogie! They have an opening at one end that’s wide enough to fit most cigars comfortably and don’t require any additional tools or anything other than what you already use. Plus, they’re dishwasher safe, which is always convenient because who wants to hand wash their booze accessories?

Men’s Costume Accessories Set for cigar lovers

If you’ve been looking for a great way to complete your favorite costume, look no further. We have a selection of accessories that will make any outfit more glamorous and handsome. The set includes an ascot tie, pocket square, cufflinks with cigar ring inserts, and even a monocle, so all eyes are on you! These pieces come in multiple colors and styles, so it’s easy to find something perfect for the occasion.

FAQ Best Cigar Accessories Basics

What are the basic cigar accessories every enthusiast should have for an optimal smoking experience?

For an optimal smoking experience, every cigar enthusiast should have a quality humidor to store your cigars, a reliable hygrometer to monitor humidity levels, a butane torch lighter for a proper light, and a variety of cutters (punch, guillotine, or v-cutter) to suit different types of cigars.

How important is the type of cutter used, and can it really ruin your cigar?

Yes, the type of cutter used can significantly impact the smoking experience. Guillotine cutters provide a straight cut and are suitable for most ring gauge cigars, while a v-cutter or punch cutter makes a small hole at the end of the cigar, preventing tobacco from entering your mouth. Using the wrong type or a dull cutter can cause the wrapper to unravel or the end to become frayed, potentially ruining your cigar.

Why do many cigars aficionados insist on using a butane lighter or matches instead of a standard lighter when they light a cigar?

Butane lighters, particularly torch lighters, provide a hotter, cleaner flame that doesn’t alter the taste of the cigar, as opposed to standard lighters, which can impart unwanted flavors due to the chemicals used. Soft flame butane lighters or matches are preferred for lighting to preserve the integrity of the premium cigar’s flavor.

For someone new to the cigar world, what’s the right cigar to start with, and how does ring gauge affect the choice?

Newcomers should start with a mild to medium-bodied cigar to avoid being overwhelmed. The ring gauge, or diameter, affects the burning temperature and draw. Larger ring gauge cigars tend to burn cooler and have a smoother draw, making them more forgiving for beginners.

When traveling with one cigar or multiple, what’s the best way to keep cigars fresh?

For traveling, a cigar travel case or travel humidor is essential. These portable humidors come in a variety of shapes and sizes, often with built-in humidifiers to maintain proper humidity levels and keep your cigars fresh even on the go.

How does the wrapper affect the taste of the cigar, and why is it so important in the cigar smoking experience?

The wrapper is crucial as it contributes significantly to the cigar’s flavor profile. A darker wrapper usually indicates a more robust flavor, while a lighter one suggests a milder taste. The wrapper’s quality can also affect the burn and, by extension, the smoking experience.

Why is a humidor essential for those who love cigars, and how many cigars can you store inside your humidor?

A humidor is essential for maintaining the freshness and quality of cigars by controlling the humidity within. Depending on the size, humidors can store from a handful of cigars to several boxes. It’s crucial for preserving the flavor and integrity of the tobacco over time.

What is the significance of cutting the end of your cigar, and can it impact your overall enjoyment of the cigar?

Cutting the end of your cigar is necessary to create an opening for smoke to pass through. A poor cut can lead to issues with the draw, uneven burning, or the wrapper unraveling, all of which can detract from the enjoyment of the cigar.

In the context of humidors, what range of price points are there, and do more expensive models keep cigars fresh better than cheaper ones?

Humidors come in all shapes, sizes, and price points. While more expensive models often feature higher-quality materials (like Spanish cedar) and more precise humidity controls, even less expensive models can effectively keep cigars fresh if they’re well-made and properly maintained.

Can using the wrong accessories, like a poor-quality cutter or lighter, affect the taste of even a high-quality Cuban cigar?

Absolutely, using a dull cutter can cause the cigar to fray or unravel, affecting the burn, draw, and ultimately the taste. Similarly, using a lighter with a fuel that imparts a taste can spoil the natural flavors of even the finest Cuban cigar. Quality accessories are essential to fully enjoy your cigars.

What essentials should you consider when selecting the right cigar accessories for a premium cigar experience?

Choosing the right cigar accessories involves several essentials: a high-quality cutter, like a double blade or guillotine, for a clean cut; a dependable lighter, possibly a DuPont, for an even light; and a well-crafted cigar case for protecting your cigars when you’re on the go. These accessories are crucial in elevating your experience.

How does the way you cut a cigar impact your overall smoking session?

The cut of your cigar significantly affects the draw, which is how you’ll pull the smoke through the cigar. Types of cigar cutters, like guillotine cutters, v-cutters, or punch cutters, provide different experiences. A bad cut can lead to tobacco in your mouth or an uneven burn, disrupting the smoking session.

Why is it important to have a proper place to rest your cigar between puffs?

Having a proper place to rest your cigar, like an ashtray with a cigar bed, is important to avoid a mess and maintain the integrity of the cigar. Resting allows the cigar to burn evenly, ensuring you’re ready to smoke when you pick it back up, enhancing the overall experience.

What’s the significance of understanding how cigars are made when you’re choosing which one you want to smoke?

Knowing how cigars are made helps you appreciate the craftsmanship involved, influencing your choice based on factors like the cigar’s body, strength, origin, and aging process. This knowledge ensures you select a cigar that aligns with your taste preferences for a more enjoyable experience.

For someone new to the cigar world, why is a guide to cigar essentials important?

A guide to cigar essentials is vital for newcomers because it provides foundational knowledge about different types of cigars, how to store, cut, light, and smoke them. It helps ensure that when you’re ready to smoke, you have the right accessories and know-how to fully enjoy the experience.

How do the head of the cigar and the way you cut it influence the taste and flavor you get while smoking?

The head of the cigar is where you draw the smoke from, so the way you cut it can greatly affect your smoking experience. A clean, precise cut made by a sharp, quality cutter allows for a smooth draw and preserves the cigar’s construction, preventing any disruption in flavor or tobacco entering your mouth.

Why is it crucial to invest in quality cigar humidors if you’re serious about maintaining the integrity of your cigars?

Cigar humidors are essential for controlling the humidity levels where your cigars are stored. They help keep your cigars fresh, preserve their quality, and prevent them from drying out or becoming overly humid, which can ruin their flavor and burn.

In what way does having the right accessories enhance the enjoyment of your favorite cigar?

The right accessories, from cutters to lighters to humidors, ensure that you’re fully equipped to handle, maintain, and enjoy your favorite cigar properly. They contribute to the preservation of the cigar’s flavor, aroma, and burn, thus enhancing your overall smoking experience.

Why might a cigar enthusiast need a cigar ready to smoke at all times?

A cigar enthusiast might need a cigar ready to smoke to seize the moment whenever the mood strikes or for unexpected special occasions. Having a quality cigar on hand ensures you can enjoy a smoking experience whenever you desire.

What role does a quality cigar play in the overall experience, even if you only smoke occasionally, perhaps only 3 cigarettes a day?

Even for occasional smokers, investing in a quality cigar is vital because the richness of flavor, aroma, and overall smoking experience is markedly better. High-quality cigars offer a complex, enjoyable experience that can’t be matched by lower-quality options, making every smoking session special.

What essential cigar accessories are necessary to properly light your cigar?

To properly light your cigar, you need a reliable, high-quality torch lighter that provides a consistent and strong flame. Windproof features are beneficial for outdoor use. Additionally, a cigar punch or cutter is crucial for creating an adequate draw before you light up. These accessories ensure a smooth and even lighting experience, crucial for anyone who enjoys smoking, even if it’s as infrequent as 3 cigarettes a day.

How does the way you use a cigar impact the importance of having the right lighting tool?

The manner in which you use a cigar, particularly how you light it, can profoundly affect your smoking experience. Using a proper lighter, preferably a butane torch, ensures the foot of the cigar is evenly lit, providing a smooth, consistent draw and preventing uneven burns known as “canoeing” or “tunneling.” This is essential for anyone who smokes, whether you’re lighting up multiple times a day or only having around 3 cigarettes.

When smoking only occasionally, say 3 cigars a day, why is it still important to invest in essential cigar accessories?

Even for those who smoke minimally, like 3 cigarettes a day, investing in essential cigar accessories such as a quality cutter, a reliable torch lighter, and a proper storage container or humidor is crucial. These tools ensure each cigar is cut, lit, and stored correctly, preserving its flavor, ensuring an even burn, and maximizing the overall enjoyment of each smoking session. Without these, you might compromise the quality of your limited smoking experiences.
